miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2020

Children of the Mind (1996) - Orson Scott Card

 Children of the Mind (Orson Scott Card)
- Subrayado en la página 15 | Pos. 219-20  | Añadido el lunes 17 de agosto de 2020 15H43' GMT+00:00

"What is your will, anyway? Nobody can see it. You don't hear it thinking. You only know what your will is afterward, when you look back in your life and see what you've done."
Children of the Mind (Orson Scott Card)
- Subrayado en la página 95 | Pos. 1449-51  | Añadido el martes 18 de agosto de 2020 23H21' GMT+00:00

"We have given offense where we meant none," said Peter. "I am ashamed. We must go at once." Wang-mu was surprised to hear Peter sound so oriental. The American way was to make excuses, to stay and argue.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2020

Xenocide (1991) - Orson Scott Card

Xenocide (Orson Scott Card)
- Subrayado en la página 88 | Pos. 1345-48  | Añadido el sábado 15 de agosto de 2020 10H15' GMT+00:00

"I spoke unclearly. We are using two different meanings of the words truth and belief. You believe that the story is true, because you responded to it from that sense of truth deep within you. But that sense of truth does not respond to a story's factuality-- to whether it literally depicts a real event in the real world. Your inner sense of truth responds to a story's causality-- to whether it faithfully shows the way the universe functions, the way the gods work their will among human beings."
Xenocide (Orson Scott Card)
- Subrayado en la página 159 | Pos. 2431-32  | Añadido el sábado 15 de agosto de 2020 13H42' GMT+00:00

I don't know anybody, and nobody knows me. We spend our lives guessing at what's going on inside everybody else, and when we happen to get lucky and guess right, we think we "understand."
Xenocide (Orson Scott Card)
- Subrayado en la página 295 | Pos. 4509-11  | Añadido el sábado 15 de agosto de 2020 22H08' GMT+00:00

"Any animal is willing to kill the Other," said Ender. "But the higher beings include more and more living things within their self-story, until at last there is no Other. Until the needs of others are more important than any private desires.
Xenocide (Orson Scott Card)
- Subrayado en la página 337 | Pos. 5168-69  | Añadido el domingo 16 de agosto de 2020 01H02' GMT+00:00

it was all an elaborate pretense at normality, but in Valentine's experience, normality was always a pretense, people acting out what they thought were their expected roles.
Xenocide (Orson Scott Card)
- Subrayado en la página 415 | Pos. 6352  | Añadido el domingo 16 de agosto de 2020 17H10' GMT+00:00

he was telling her what goodness was. To want other people to grow.
Xenocide (Orson Scott Card)
- Subrayado en la página 420 | Pos. 6427-32  | Añadido el domingo 16 de agosto de 2020 17H31' GMT+00:00

While they're asleep. The part of their brain that records sight or sound, it's firing off every hour or two while they sleep, even when all the sights and sounds are complete random nonsense, their brains just keep on trying to assemble it into something sensible. They try to make stories out of it. It's complete random nonsense with no possible correlation to the real world, and yet they turn it into these crazy stories. And then they forget them. All that work, coming up with these stories, and when they wake up they forget almost all of them. But when they do remember, then they try to make stories about those crazy stories, trying to fit them into their real lives.>

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2020

Speaker for the Dead (1986) - Orson Scott Card

 Speaker for the Dead (Orson Scott Card)
- Subrayado en la página 2 | Pos. 21-23  | Añadido el miércoles 12 de agosto de 2020 12H51' GMT+00:00

The difference between raman and varelse is not in the creature judged, but in the creature judging. When we declare an alien species to be raman, it does not mean that they have passed a threshold of moral maturity. It means that we have.