domingo, 1 de agosto de 2021

Cismatrix - Bruce Sterling

Cismatrix (Bruce Sterling)
- Subrayado en la página 180 | Pos. 2751  | Añadido el lunes 26 de julio de 2021 21H59' GMT+00:00

En la pared del despacho de Nora, una telefoto enorme de la superficie de Saturno se arrastraba lentamente,
Cismatrix (Bruce Sterling)
- Subrayado en la página 249 | Pos. 3808-12  | Añadido el sábado 31 de julio de 2021 11H20' GMT+00:00

—Es una filosofía —contestó Greta—. Los formistas, los mecanistas… ésas no son filosofías, son tecnologías convertidas en política. Las tecnologías están en el centro de todo. La ciencia hizo pedazos a la raza humana. Cuando llegó la anarquía, la gente se esforzó por encontrar un sentido de comunidad. Los políticos eligieron enemigos para poder unir a sus seguidores en el odio y el terror. La comunidad no es suficiente cuando mil nuevas formas de vida nos tientan desde cada circuito y tubo de ensayo. Sin odio no habría Consejo Anillo ni Unión de Cárteles. No habría conformidad si no hubiera látigo.

martes, 18 de mayo de 2021

Machine (White Space #2) - Elizabeth Bear

 Machine (Elizabeth Bear)
- Subrayado en la página 85 | Pos. 1298-1301  | Añadido el domingo 21 de febrero de 2021 22H57' GMT+00:00

You get so used to hurting that when it goes away not being in pain doesn’t even feel normal, exactly. It feels like having superpowers. I had so much energy and everything was so easy all of a sudden. So weird to think that a lot of people have superpowers all the time and don’t even know it.
Machine (Elizabeth Bear)
- Subrayado en la página 215 | Pos. 3296-3300  | Añadido el jueves 25 de febrero de 2021 17H39' GMT+00:00

“I don’t think of myself as very strongly gendered. And I could elect a genderless identity, or a mixed-gender identity, if I preferred.” Wouldn’t that be less work? “Oh, probably,” I admitted. “Sure. But I choose to inhabit this conceptual space. To stretch it to accommodate me, rather than allowing it to contract. Because once a conceptual space starts to shrink by squeezing people out of it, it has a tendency to accelerate, and shrink and shrink and shrink until it squeezes out more and more people.”
Machine (Elizabeth Bear)
- Subrayado en la página 218 | Pos. 3331-33  | Añadido el jueves 25 de febrero de 2021 17H44' GMT+00:00

“And here we are back to terrible people inconveniently not making terrible art.” Expecting art to present absolute answers or offer tidy moral certainties is expecting art to act like propaganda,
Machine (Elizabeth Bear)
- Subrayado en la página 365 | Pos. 5594-97  | Añadido el sábado 27 de febrero de 2021 23H02' GMT+00:00

We cannot isolate ourselves from systems, have no impact, change nothing as we pass. We alter the world by observing it. The best we can do is not pretend that we don’t belong to a system; it’s to accept that we do, and try to be fair about using it. To keep it from exploiting the weakest.
Machine (Elizabeth Bear)
- Subrayado en la página 451 | Pos. 6904-5  | Añadido el lunes 1 de marzo de 2021 22H43' GMT+00:00

Why are we born needing impossible things? Why is it that we all have things we need to live that simply do not exist in the universe? A purpose in life. Unconditional love? Our emotional needs met? Ha. What cruel asshole thought this shit up?

sábado, 8 de mayo de 2021

I am Legend - Richard Matheson

 I Am Legend (Richard Matheson)
- Subrayado en la página 155 | Pos. 2371-72  | Añadido el miércoles 17 de febrero de 2021 17H07' GMT+00:00

I’m the abnormal one now. Normalcy was a majority concept, the standard of many and not the standard of just one man.

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2021

Record of a Spaceborn Few [Wayfarers 3] - Becky Chambers

Record of a Spaceborn Few (Becky Chambers)
- Subrayado en la página 59 | Pos. 903-4  | Añadido el jueves 19 de noviembre de 2020 22H30' GMT+00:00

and a bad guest was on par with a petty thief (which made an odd sense, Isabel decided: guests did eat your food and take your time).
Record of a Spaceborn Few (Becky Chambers)
- Subrayado en la página 77 | Pos. 1167-72  | Añadido el viernes 20 de noviembre de 2020 16H58' GMT+00:00

You couldn’t know from a bit of conversation and a drink or two whether they understood in their heart of hearts that bodies should always be left in a better way than when you found them. With a professional, you could. And you’d know, too, that their imubots were up to date, that the kind of sex that could lead to pregnancy carried no such risk, that there wouldn’t be any dancing around whether or not to stay the night or see each other again or if it meant something. Of course it always meant something. But you couldn’t know if that something was the same. In Eyas’ opinion, going to a club was the safest way to have sex, both physically and emotionally. The alternative was a minefield.
Record of a Spaceborn Few (Becky Chambers)
- Subrayado en la página 289 | Pos. 4427-30  | Añadido el miércoles 25 de noviembre de 2020 23H17' GMT+00:00

‘Our species doesn’t operate by reality. It operates by stories. Cities are a story. Money is a story. Space was a story, once. A king tells us a story about who we are and why we’re great, and that story is enough to make us go kill people who tell a different story. Or maybe the people kill the king because they don’t like his story and have begun to tell themselves a different one.


jueves, 4 de febrero de 2021

A Closed And Common Orbit [Wayfarers 2] - Becky Chambers

A Closed and Common Orbit (Becky Chambers)
- Subrayado en la página 325 | Pos. 4980-83  | Añadido el lunes 16 de noviembre de 2020 18H27' GMT+00:00

If I’m nothing more than a tool, then I must have a purpose. Tools have purposes, right? But I’m more than that. Pepper and Blue – and you, even – have been telling me that again and again and again. I know that I’m more than a tool. I know I’m a person, even if the GC doesn’t think so. I have to be a person, because I don’t need a purpose and not having one drives me crazy.’